Sign the Petition to Support Fort Jackson

We need your help signing petitions! Show your support for Fort Jackson and spread the word!

Columbia Chamber Blog

MA_Ft-Init---horizontalA Petition to Support Fort Jackson

We, the Greater Midlands Community, pride ourselves on being military friendly and that designation is derived from the partnership we have developed with Fort Jackson and all of our military installations in the state.

We are grateful for the continued investments the U.S. Army has made in Fort Jackson which enhance Fort Jackson’s military value, leading to improved quality of life and strategic and operational value of the base at a low cost to the U.S. Army.

WE are concerned that the economic impact of force reductions at Fort Jackson would be devastating to the region.

Losing 3,100 jobs at Fort Jackson would equate to (over five years):

  • An immediate $189M impact on income for the Midlands
  • A population loss of 7,733 (soldiers, direct and indirect employees, spouses and dependents)
  • A reduction of $286M in sales, including sales tax receipts of $3.3M
  • A reduction…

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6 thoughts on “Sign the Petition to Support Fort Jackson

  1. We (American Legion, Post 195) have worked hand in hand with Fort Jackson for many years and proud of them all. Please do not cut back where this Fort is concerned.


  2. As a 20-year resident of the Columbia area, wife of a National Guard retiree, and mother of two veterans of the Iraq and Afghan wars, I understand fully the benefits of having Fort Jackson in our area. It provides many many needed services to the active and retired military personnel and their families. Please do not cut any funding.


  3. As a 28 year resident of Columbia and a local business leader and REALTOR please avoid these cutbacks at our Fort Jackson! Active duty and civilian employees alike will tell you that this community is the most welcoming and warm to soldiers, and this is due to many of our residents being retired armed forces.
    Please allow us to be good neighbors and support our military and keep these jobs at Fort Jackson.


  4. Fort Jackson is truly the heart of our city and the midlands. Often when I go into a restraunt or a store I see a soldier in uniform and it makes me proud to be a South Carolinian and an American. It defines us as a city and state! I believe we are a state that will always support our heros and they support us. Please leave the Fort alone!!!


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